Sunday, May 23, 2010

My garden will probable never look like this....

If you've seen the movie It's Complicated then you, like me have Garden Envy.
I have been dreaming about her garden in the movie for weeks now. So this weekend we decided (and by we I really mean me) to start a Vegetable and Herb Garden.
And since we decided to no longer have a lawn service the first order of business was to buy a new lawn mower. Lately, I've really been trying to go "Green" every chance I can. So we bought a lawn mower that you just push, no motor NOTHING but blades!
For lack of a better name I just call it our old-fashioned lawn mower. And it might just do me in! It was fun for the front yard, but my sweet husband had to do the back yard. All the work aside I am really happy we bought it. I even edged the driveway and beds with a shovel, no weed wackier. And I swept the blower.
Needless to say I did not need to get on the elliptical!Her potting table in the movie. LOVE the basket and wooden crates!
If you haven't seen this out right now and buy it.
Not only is it a great movie but the set design is phenomenal.

Would you look at this.....I have hopes of grandeur in my garden....but I really need to think smaller and be happy!

Lots of tomatoes....YUMMY

Our garden is still in the works, it'll take a couple of weeks and then I promise to show you pictures. We built one raised bed this weekend and cleared the tomato patch. My daughter and I planted the herbs, tomatoes, cucumbers, okra and melon. Next week we will build the other bed and plant the lettuce and carrots.

The question is, when we finally get to harvest the vegetables
will I have enough energy left to eat them?????

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Fairy Garden

I was inspired to make a Fairy Garden!
Londen at wrote about visiting a Fairy Garden and wanting to make one of her own, I was so inspired by her words and pictures that my daughter and I have started one too! Please go to Londen's blog and look at what a beautiful blog she has and get inspired too!
Now....keep in mind this is no where near completion, and I wasn't going to show it to you all at this stage, but my daughter came out and placed this sign on the house and I thought it was too cute not to share, even if we have a long way to go!
This is going to be another house for the fairy's....

Another view!
Yes this is really a Birdhouse but it's special to me. so I thought it would make a wonderful Fairy House. My Dad built this a while ago, one for me and one for my mother. My mother loved this house when she saw it in a magazine so my Dad copied it and made them for us. He handmade the roof shingles and everything.

I found this little house at Goodwill on Thursday for $2.99 isn't it so cute.

The Fairy Pond. I think it needs a little frog for the side, don't you.

The Fairy Round Table, because my daughter said ever Fairy needs a table to sit at.
Well of course!

We still need lots more moss to fill in all the dirt spots

Now I am on the hunt for all things miniature. She and I will be on ebay and etsy for weeks....just finding the right accessories....hopefully the fairies will like their new home and join us soon.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Mother's Day

Did you all have a wonderful Mother's Day? I hope so....I sure did.

Look what my Mother found in Georgia and brought back for me....Isn't it AWESOME! And she got a great deal on it....only $9.00 can you believe it. But....I also have to give my Dad a BIG thank you for my new pineapple....because apparently hauling it between Alabama and Georgia contributed to the dying of the cars transmission...OPPS....sorry Dad! Did I mention I can't even lift the pineapple to take it outside for a photo's that heavy.

The things our parents will do for us.....even when we are older....Thanks Mom and Dad I love it!

Mom also found a bird nest on the ground that had been abandoned (don't panic she didn't steal some little bird's nest) and she brought that back for me too! What a good mom! Those are not eggs by the way they are seed pods, you can hear the seeds inside....does anyone have any clue as to what tree they are from? I have no idea and neither did the lady I bought them from.

My sweet son was patient enough to go with me to pick out flowers....I love Peonies!

My daughter spent the whole week interviewing me on my favorite things. She would keep a list of questions and my answers. Then when it came time to shop for Mother's Day she instructed her Dad on what I would like (don't you just love her). One of the stores she picked was the seashell store and this is what she choose.

Another picture of the Peonies

Have a wonderful Tuesday! I'm off to find the perfect spots for all my new very thoughtful Mother's Day presents!

Monday, May 3, 2010

It's finally here!!!!

The cabinet is here......YEAH!!! Now I can show you the rest of the room.
I am so happy with the cabinet and the rearranged room. This chair will be the next thing I paint and fix.

The beautiful orchid my girlfriend Lisa gave me on Easter!

Until last week, both the mirror and chest were black....

The Bird Girl ..... I love her. She is one of my favorite things in the house.
My sweet husband gave her to me years ago on our anniversary.

Have you figured out yet that I LOVE Seashells......
perhaps it's cause I live in Florida close to the beach.

Our dining area....don't look too close the slipcovers are really dirty...that's next on my to do list. Seriously, stop looking!

Two more pictures of the new cabinet!

Well, there you have it....the finally finished (until I change it again) living room and dining area. I hope you all like the new cabinet as much as I do.