Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Wine Bottle Chandelier

I was going to show you all the cool things my
girlfriend and I found while away....but my camera
isn't downloading pictures correctly today...so i'm
going to share with you something else we found...

There is this really beautiful store on
St. Simon's Island located in the Redfern Village...
it's called Viola's Market

I about fell over when I walked in and saw this!

They took wine bottles, cut them near the top
and placed a light kit inside...then hung them up
at different heights along the length of the table!

How awesome is that!
Now maybe I have a use for all those
empty wine I mean Pellegrino bottles
I have lying around!

Wouldn't those be great
hanging from a tree in a garden!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Let's talk shop...shopping that is!

While on vacation we did lots of shopping!
It's always fun to shop with a good girlfriend
And shop we did....garage sales, estate sales,
gift shops, clothing stores, decorating stores
You name it we shopped it!

One place I was so excited to shop at was

in Savannah, Georgia

it was so awesome...so I took lots of pictures!
Prepare yourself for picture overload...

You just can't go wrong with a HUGE chalkboard..can you?

All the pictures I took (except the above) are
in the downstairs portion of the store...it was
hard to take pictures upstairs...lots of shoppers!

 I'm not sure what excited me more...this beautiful cabinet
or all the silver in it.

After our trip I am now official in love
with Driftwood mirrors!

This piece was WAY out of my budget..but isn't it cool!

A skeleton head with blue butterflys coming out of the top...
might have to remember that for Halloween...
for everyday use maybe not!

More views from the outside...

If you find yourself in Savannah,
you really should stop in here..
and it's just around the corner
from The Lady & Son's
you know...Paula Deen's restaurant!
I'll have to tell you about that story another time..
I did a major faux pas in there..and for a
moment thought I was going to be shown the door!
I could have crawled under the table I was horrified!

Next post i'll show you all the treasures
we found and maybe tell you my restaurant story...

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Sea Island Georgia

Boo Hoo....
do we have to go home??

That's how we all sounded on our way back
from vacation with family and friends!
We've spent the last week at
The Cloister in Sea Island, Georgia
with our friends...and it was really-really
hard to come back home!

It is one of the most beautiful spots on earth!
We even got to spend a day in Savannah..
and you know how much I LOVE Savannah.
I took over 200 pictures...and while I won't
bore you with them all, I do want to share some with you!
I'll start with the place we stayed...then in the next couple
of days i'll share with you my pictures
of Savannah, shops and other stuff...
We even made it to The Paris Market...woo hoo!

This is The Cloister where we stayed...

This is the inside...

And this is our room...
(we stayed at the beach club on Cloister grounds)
the pictures are not the best...sorry
the living room...

The kitchen...with sweet husband in the background trying
to fix my camera...I still need to develop those..hopefully
I took a few good pictures on the 35mm!

The view from one of the balconies,
every night I left the door open just so I
could hear the waves...it was so wonderful!

And this is the bed that is making me want
to go out and buy all new sheets and pillows...
it was soooooooo comfortable!

Kids room...

Here is the Spa at The Cloister...
I kid you not...it is beyond beautiful
and there are so many nooks and crannies
for you to sit and relax in...mineral pools,
hot tubs, gardens, labyrinths, you name it they have it!

The place where the "boys" hang out!
This is The Lodge...where some serious golf is played!

The lone bagpipe player who plays at sunset...
I mean really, can you imagine a more beautiful spot?

The Chapel at The Cloister

I have so many more pictures to share with you..
but that's enough for today!
To read about the history of Sea Island and The Cloister
click Here!

To Garv, Sondra, Matthew, Jerry, Enrica,
 Frank and Ramona
Thank you for the wonderful time spent with friends...
the memories we made with all of you will last a lifetime! 

(great pictures are courtesy of The Cloister...not so great pictures are from me)