Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Garage Sale Saturday

Don't you just love a good garage sale!
Well...our fairgrounds has one every so often
and it's my favorite...because it's not just
a bunch of junk...you can find some pretty good stuff!

I can't even begin to tell you how excited I was to
find this Silver French Fireplace screen! 
This was the second time that I had run across it...
the first time I let sweet husband talk me out of buying it!
And then of course it's all I could think about for months after...
I guess it was just meant to come home with me..
because the lady still had it for sale...
can you believe no one had bought it!

These 4 prints are completely different then
anything in my house...but I thought they were
really interesting! 
This is only two of them..the other two are similar
Now if only I had a Library in my house
decorated in English Hunting design i'd be all set!
But I like them...so i'll find a spot for them...somewhere

Now this print fits in here just perfect...and I have a spot for it

And we're back to the English library look...
i'm really starting to wonder if my taste are changing again?

Anyways....I thought this leather bag was really beautiful
and had a lot of storage potential!

You just never know what will strike your
interest at a garage sale...

Happy Hunting

Friday, September 23, 2011

Happy 1st day of Fall

it's officially the first day of Fall!

I'm going mum....gourd...and
pumpkin shopping
this afternoon!

How about you?

Photos from Country Living...except the first one and I just can't find
who to give credit to!  If it's yours let me know...it's a beautiful picture!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The Pineapple Room on Facebook

I thought it would be really fun 
to have a Facebook page
to go along with
The Pineapple Room blog!

A place where I could share maybe
just a little something that I
was doing....or something that
caught my attention that day...
or a new recipe....or...
well you get the idea!

So please join me on Facebook!
There is a button on the right hand side
of my blog that will get you there!

If you go right now you can catch a
sneak peek of what sweet husband
is doing with all of those green shutters!

See you on Facebook!

Monday, September 19, 2011

One thing always leads to another

Sorry i've been MIA lately...
I realized it had been to long 
when my Dad asked me if I had
given up the blog....Opps
With school starting, buying a car,
going away for the holiday...blah blah blah
the weeks flew by me!

Anyways....we've been very busy around here!
It's funny how one little thing can lead to another...
Well I guess in this instance I don't mean little...
I mean HUGE....

While we were away in Sea Island this month
my girlfriend Sondra spotted this at an Antique Show...
She really has the knack for finding cool stuff!
I love my Christmas present...Thanks Sondra!!!

My girlfriends Sondra, Ann and I had a great time
"stealing" sweet husbands truck and going to pick
this up from the show....Girl Power!!!
Even though Ann (who was brave enough to drive the big truck)
said.....let's hope this is a straight shot...
there will be no backing up or parking of this truck! 
Don't you just love girlfriends who stick with you and help
you carry out crazy schemes...no matter what!

Well once we got it back to Florida I realized it needed a
great spot...which lead to us looking around the yard
and realizing it really needed some serious help.
So begin the 2 week process of cleaning up and cleaning out!

Then while at Ikea....I stumbled across these beauty's...

For $14.99 you can't beat these lanterns..they
are awesome!  And I just knew I wanted to
place them on the back steps!
Well wouldn't you know it...but when I went
to put them out there I realized the back steps
had rotted and were caving in so they
 needed to be replaced.. to work sweet husband went.
 While I love the shabby look of them right now...they are
going to be sanded and stained to match
 the existing surrounding wood.
But for now...I few pumpkins and flowers won't hurt!

And do you remember the shutters
 that sweet husband brought home?

Well he did something really cool with them...
I would show you but my mother claimed the first one
and loaded it up in her truck before I could even take a picture!
But he's building more for me to put in the garden
and I promise to show you soon!

So you see how one thing can lead to another....
But the good news is the back porch and yard
are finally getting some well needed TLC.

Just in time for (fingers crossed)
some lovely fall weather!

(photo Country Living)