Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Postcard Sheets...my big splurge

I am embarrassed to even admit
this...but I haven't bought new sheets
for my bed in about 13 years!
Now don't get all freaked out...
I have a very good mother-in-law
who buys us new sheets every Christmas...
beautiful white ones!

But ....
when I saw these sheets at Pottery Barn
I knew I just had to get them...
even though it was a big splurge
for me...I couldn't help it!

 I am totally in LOVE with them...

I was practically stalking the UPS
man waiting for him to get here
with them

I can't say sweet husband loves them as much as I do
...they are a bit girly for him...
but it's only for Christmas...and maybe
January and February...just don't tell him that

I changed out the black and white curtains
and lamps for white and neutral colors.

Now I can't wait to put up the bedroom Christmas tree..

However, I guess I really should iron the curtains...
I was just too impatient last night
to get the room put back together.

I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
And no matter what sheets you are sleeping under
you remember to count your blessings at night!

"Not what we say about our blessings,
but how we use them, is the true
measure of our Thanksgiving"
~W.T Purkiser

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Tea and Tastings

There has been lots of things
going on around here...
Today I finally have a
chance to take a break...
  So I thought it would
be a good time to blog!

My girlfriend Ann and I 
recently had the opportunity
to set a table for the
Junior League of the Palm Beaches
annual Tea and Tastings event.
This years theme was
Tea through the ages....

This was our table....we choose the theme
"Le Jardin de Josephine"
We wanted you to feel like you were
actually in her garden having tea.

This is the backside of our centerpiece.....
notice the red rose napkins.....they
were super easy to do.

Ann even ordered Harney and Son's
rose tea....it was what we drank for the tea....
and we gave tea bags as favors in pretty
little boxes with a sweet quote tied to it.

The table top was covered completely in moss.
A little hint if you ever decide to do this...
when numerous people comment about the
odor fragrance and you see someone with a
Lysol can spraying around your table...
make sure you proclaim very loudly for
all to hear...that you made sure to buy
the most fragrant moss you could find
because you really wanted everyone to not
only feel like they were in a garden...
but smell it as well!
Never Ever Admit The Smell Was A Bit Overwhelming...

We even made little books with the history of the
house Josephine shared with Napoleon!
Did I mention this was also a contest?
There were three categories
1.  Best Interpretation of Theme
2.  Most Creative
3.  Best Centerpiece
And did I mention we didn't win any of them....
that's okay...i'm coming back next year to
swept all three...not that i'm competitive...
not at all...it's just for charity and it's fun....
ummmm yeah...that's it!

This table won best interpretation of theme...
"The Gilded Age"
Apparently the china they used was one of
the rarest patterns out there...it was gorgeous.
They even brought their own butler...i'm
guessing he was more like a bodyguard
for the super rare and expensive china!

This was the winner for best centerpiece...
and I guess when you have a full on tree
in the middle of your table...you're gonna win!
Their theme was Maria Antoinette.

I didn't take a picture of the most creative...
but it was cute...it was from the Mod Period
and was very colorful with a lamp in the middle
and vases everywhere....

Here are a few other tablescapes...

I liked this one because I loved the silver branches..
and the napkin rings were bracelets...so cute.
They did a Channel theme.

Very pretty with the mismatched china.

I wish I had taken more pictures...it was
just so crazy and overwhelming in there...
or maybe it was just the moss fumes!

Seriously though....Ann and I had
a lot of fun doing the table....and
I can't wait till next year!