Saturday, February 11, 2012

Raindrops and Boots...

Raindrops kept falling on my head...
and falling and falling

and my feet were soaked

I finally bought rain boots!
Hot Pink ones in honor of
Valentine's Day coming up

And a cute scarf to tie them in with my purse...

Five straight days of rain...and today sunshine..of course!
Now i'm going to do a little rain dance
and hope for rain so I can wear them again!

If the rainclouds come your way...
I hope you find something that
makes you smile until the sunshine
finds its way back to you!

Hope you are having a wonderful weekend!
I'm headed to Ikea...YIPPEEEEEEEE

p.s  found the boots and scarf at Target
love Target!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Burlap and Muslin Patchwork Board

Looking through the Pottery Barn Kids
magazine the other day I fell in love with
the wall they did with patches of fabric
did you see it?

Isn't that so cute
Well I came across this corkboard for $5 at
Goodwill yesterday...and I had a thought...
bet I could do like PBK but on a smaller scale

I took left over fabric and cut it into squares...
and stapled them onto the corkboard

Then made a little banner for Valentines
and strung it across..

I had to fix the middle square with the fleur de lis..
because I tried to spray adhesive it and it left a mark.
So don't do that!

Such a quick and cheap project...
And it turned out so cute~

I know I promised to show you the redecoration of the
Glass house...but it's done nothing but rain here and
I can't seem to get good pictures in this dreary weather

But I promise as soon as it stops raining i'll show you!