Thursday, October 25, 2012

Our Halloween House 2012

As promised here is our 
Halloween House 2012

If you remember last year 
the theme was
Edgar Allen Poe's 
The Raven
(click here & here to look back)

Well this year the theme is.....

The Haunted Mansion!

Don't let the gargoyles fool you
they may look like stone, but we hear
them growl at night.....

And if they don't alert us to your presence 
the calls of the ravens certainly do! 

Pay no mind to the sounds from the bushes...

This ghostly gentlemen greets you at the door...
warning you to turn back!

We hired an exterminator...but he must have missed this guy!

Looks like the driver of this buggy has been
stuck in traffic for a few years...

 Turtle shells, eggs and birds nest....
When the moon comes out at night
the raven's eyes glow red!

We hope you have enjoyed your tour of our 

....please make sure to shut the gate on
your way out...we would hate
for any more ghost to find their way in!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Downton Obsessed...

I am not at all embarrassed to admit
that I am obsessed with 
Downton Abbey!

Downton Abbey is a television show
on PBS. 
It follows the lives of the aristocratic
 Crawley family and their servants. 
And it is set in the fictional Yorkshire 
country estate of Downton Abbey.

Not only is it a very good show, 
but the scenery and the costumes are
nothing but pure inspiration!  

This makes me want to run out and buy boots,
tweed and hats! I might have to take a bit of this
look and add it to my fall wardrobe 
(or in my case lack of fall wardrobe I do live in hot South Florida) 

 This is the kitchen....
Don't you just love the copper pots lining the back wall!
And don't even get me started on the long farmhouse table.
Look at the copper molds, how many of those have
you passed up while thrifting? 
 I may have to pick those up next time I see them.


The table is set so pretty with just greenery and candles....
oh and I guess lots of crystal, china and silver.
No problem i'll just substitute glass and silver plate,
I think I can manage the china.
Now if only I could find a few footmen to serve.... 

This is my favorite....don't laugh.....but I love
the bells that hang on the board in the servants quarters.

Mind you ,i'm certain that I wouldn't be 
the one ringing the bells back then,
more than likely I would have been 
one of the servants answering it.
But never the less I love the bells!

So pretty...the riding outfit on Lady Mary
 Not to mention the beautiful scenery!

Completely obsessed I tell you....we just love to watch this show!
Sweet husband too if you can believe it!

On another note....we are all decorated for Halloween..
and as soon as I can get my camera to work i'll share with 
you this years theme and pictures.

Hope you are all having a spooktacular October!!!!!