Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Barn Door

Who else besides me has fallen 
in love with all of the
sliding barn doors you've
been seeing in homes?

We have been looking for
a way to "dress" up a 
door way in our house...
it is the entrance to the
children's room and bathroom.

So I showed sweet husband
a few of the pictures I liked...
begged him to go on a 
pallet hunting run...
and here is what he created...

Let me show you how
he did it...

He dismantled two pallets
and laid out the 
frame of a door 
(customized to fit our space) 

Then he made two cross pieces
for the look and support

After that we discussed what type
of pattern we would like..
then he cut the pallet boards 
to fit the frame.

If you look closely you can
see the molding he used 
to attach the boards to...
and to keep them straight
because pallet boards
have a mind of their own

After hours and I do mean
HOURS...of sanding...
we stained the door.

 Now I wish I could be more helpful here...
but this is what I can tell you about the
 he went to his shop and created something...
 yep that's the best I can do for ya.

I know he took aluminum and created
brackets and a track.....
and then he attached rollers 
that came off an old glass sliding door...

I am so not kidding...
he is like MacGyver when he
rigs things...

We both love how it turned out...
even though he is threatening to
remove Pinterest from my computer

Now I just need to find the
right door pull for it...
good thing there is
an antique show this weekend!

We've also been very busy working
on fixing up the back porch...
here's a sneak peek! 

Thanks for stopping by to 
see our new "old" barn door...

To anonymous who left me a comment....
I don't know how to send you a reply so hopefully
you will see this...

You asked how sweet husband built the glass house....
specifically how he managed to attach all the windows together.

I will try and find out specifics for you...
but I can tell you that he built a
box like frame out of sturdy metal post...
If you would like to email me
I can have him give you more specific information!

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Decked out for the 4th of July

I love holidays...
and while I would
 be hard pressed
to pick a favorite
there is just something
about the 4th of July
that gets me every time...
maybe cause it's summer
and it's just a relaxing kinda 

 The saying goes that
"Necessity is the mother of all invention"
well in my case
Necessity is the mother of all crafting!

I wanted to spend my money 
on a well made American Flag
and bunting....
so that left very little $$ for 
other things.

But I did have
2 buckets of baseballs.....
an old pallet....
and yards of burlap

A quick search on Pinterest...
and here is what I put together.

Chalkboard with the pledge of allegiance
written on it.

Two painted burlap flags tied onto
a Y shaped piece of driftwood 
Sweet Husband found....

tucked into a garden urn filled
with coral...
I think it turned out right cute! 

old baseballs painted 
red, white and blue

burlap pendant flags
I just painted the burlap
(inspired by Pottery Barn's)

And our favorite project....
A pallet flag!


Sweet husband likes it
so much he wants
it to stay up all year..
And I kinda do too!

Another view of the bunting..

 The mailbox had to have a little something

One more picture of the flag...

I hope everyone is enjoying
their summer...and gearing
up to celebrate the 4th! 

Joining up with....

By Stephanie Lynn

Friday, June 14, 2013

Southern Inspired Front Porch

This summer I plan to 

On the house that is....

First order of business was to
fix up the front porch!

I am a Georgia girl and the place I LOVE
most is Savannah, Georgia
So I wanted my front porch to
have a southern feel and maybe if
I closed my eyes for just a second 
I could pretend I was in Savannah!

We took the previous white and rusted 
cast iron urn along with the pedestals 
that were gray and painted everything
a semi-gloss black. Sat one on
top of the other to make it look 
like one tall piece.

I have been dying to paint the porch
ceiling in a haint blue color.
Now I will admit that when 
sweet husband painted the first
section I had a few moments (hour)
of oh no what have we done...
but I stuck with my gut and 
we went for it...and I LOVE IT.
Only after it was done did
sweet husband admit that
even he was doubting it 
till it was finished....
what a good guy....
painting and letting me
have my way without saying a word!

Sweet husband's job comes with a few perks
one of which is he occasionally comes
across architectural salvage!
He made a porch "railing" out
of window gates. 

You can see the garden statue 
through the gates as you come 
up the walk

A better view of the blue ceiling

For those of you who aren't familiar
with a Haint Blue ceiling... it is a common
practice in the south to paint your porch
ceiling a blue color.

Way back when they use to believe that
it would keep the evil spirts away 
and from entering your home.

Another theory is that it keeps the bugs
away because they will think it's the sky
and move along.

One of my favorite descriptions of a 
"haint" blue ceiling is because
it "haint" blue and it "haint" green!

Anyway you choose to view it 
I love it.....and strangely enough
since we did it we have had less
bugs at our front door!

 We finally painted the old white screen door 
to match the front door.
Now why in the world I haven't done
this sooner is beyond me...cause
it has made a HUGE difference!

View looking in

I found this awesome foam relief of 3 angels
at one of our local thrift is
perfect for outside 

The aluminum scrolls I had picked
up awhile ago at our Habitat for Humanity
thrift store....I only paid $3 or $4 dollars a piece
for them. They have been sitting in the garage for 
almost a year now because I had no idea
what to even due with them.
Then as sweet husband was painting the
ceiling I thought...well DUH I could
use them to hold the lanterns!
And that progressed into using
the remaining ones as corbels 
in the corners!

Much to my son's dismay I dug this bamboo
rug out of my neighbors trash...
what can I say I needed a rug...
it was the right price and I didn't
want to get cleaned up and dressed 
to run to the store!
Nothing a little Murphy's Oil Soap 
and a beeswax polish couldn't clean up!
Now it's perfect again...
and he will actually step on it 
now cause it's been cleaned! 

Now i'm on to the back porch...
wish me's a BIG job!

Curtains and Lanterns from


Green Pillow from


Front Door Paint

Dark as night

Ceiling Paint

Grand Hotel Mackinac Blue

Monday, March 18, 2013

The Guest Wing

My Mother and Sister
were over this weekend
reading my magazines...
drinking wine
I mean "helping " out
with pre-Easter things

So Mom as she
was taking a well
deserved break from
all the hard work...
was flipping through
one of the magazines 
and she came across
this beautiful porch swing...

She mentioned that she would love 
something similar out back...
but maybe a bit bigger.

Well that got me to thinking...

I think we need a guest room
(don't ask me how I went from porch swing to guest wing)

But fast forward 24 hours and here is the
new and improved glass house...

I was able to decorate it with 
items from my stock room..
AKA...cluttered, out of control,
someone may just possible be 
a hoarder of a garage.  

It's been killing me to use these shutters
behind a bed somewhere...
but it would be way to much
color in my house.
However it's perfect in the garden!

A sweet little Audubon bird print!

I think the planter needs a few
comfy blankets....
or more books to read

 Botanical prints....perfect for a garden guest room

Now the question is...
who is brave enough 
to camp outside?

 I think I may give it a test try...
well that is if the oak trees 
would ever stop shedding...

In defense of Mom and Sis...
they really were here to just 
hang out!


The true worker of the day 
was my Dad.
He was here to help 
sweet husband
with a little project!
 So here is a little
pre-paint job...pre-new seat covers
look at my...
I mean our new toy!

Meet Betsy...our new to us...
Golf Cart!

She just needs a little love 
and she is gonna be a beauty!

Thanks Dad for helping 
to fix her up!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Valentine's Eve

Twas the eve before Valentines
and all through the house...
sweet husband was sleeping
because he had the flu!

The pink and red hearts
were hung all over the house
with care...
in hopes that cupid
soon would be there.

The valentines were signed
and placed into backpacks
with care...

and Mommy....
well she was really hoping
to be tucked into bed for a long
Valentines nap...

you see where my Valentines is headed!
Just praying that no one else in this house gets sick!
Thankfully germs can not spread through blog post...
so I thought maybe I would share our little touches 
around the house for Valentines!

Front Porch...

The mantle....
one day I swear
I will explain the swans! 

I finally made one of those pendant

The little ones Valentines
for her class....

And only one Valentine required for
the oldest....
guess his special Valentine has braces
and can not have juice boxes 
is how we roll??????

Really?? A Valentine??
I am either too young for this...
or too tired...
not sure which one...

Either way...
he's happy!
 Hope you all have a very