Thursday, January 20, 2011

Slipcovered Chair

Having a very small budget to redo a room
 can make you do crazy things...

For instance it can make you think
you are a seamstress and that you can just
 whip up a slipcover for a chair

Here is a picture of the moment I realized
I was NOT a seamstress and I just
might be in big trouble with this project

Okay...let me start from the beginning

We are in the process of redoing our daughter's bedroom.
One of the things she asked for was a "fluffy" white chair
This is the one she wanted...

Can't say she doesn't have good taste...
yes I would love this chair too!
However this 900 dollar chair from
Pottery Barn is out of the question.

So off to craigslist I went and found this chair for $25
Perfect size, great price, well made and
 the legs are the right color

I attempted to make a pattern with left over wrapping paper...
it helped a little bit when it came time to cut the fabric.

Then I started to pin the fabric pieces together....
and that's when I realized I have no idea
 how to make the corners meet correctly. 
The arms on the chair are curved going up to the top.
At this point I need help....
so I go get sweet husband
 and between the two of
 us we are able to piece it all together. 
While he starts sewing the slipcover...
yes he can sew better than me!
(he's going to kill me for telling you this)
I start making the box pleats

Finally after two days of cutting, pinning and sewing
and a few comments from sweet husband
about making him work in a sweat shop
this is the outcome...

Not bad for our first attempt
If I am ever crazy enough to do this again
the only thing I would do different is
make the box pleats a bit shorter...
other than that I think it's perfect!

It made for one very happy little girl...
and  a very happy dad who saved
$845 dollars!

Last night she informed me she would
 like the butterfly mobile from Pottery Barn Kids...
Looks like i'm off to Michael's for another project!


  1. You are awesome-and to get your husband to sew for you-WoW!!!! Can't wait to see tyhe whole finished room!

  2. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the fact that you and your hubby did this together! That is just the best! It turned out GREAT! Can you imagine 900 dollars! Oh my!
    Great job!
    Have a pretty day!
    p.s. show us the mobile when it's done! ( :

  3. thank you so much for your comment on my show! THANK YOU FOR LISTENING! I am sitting her, drinking a cup of green tea thinking how awful it was! Get this.... I had myself so upset I ate a hostess chocolate cup cake - you know the kind with the filling and the white squiggle on top! I am serious So , you really do NOT know what your words of encouragement meant to me! I am sending you a very BIG hug.
    Have a pretty day!

  4. You guys are amazing!! WOW! It turned out so great, can you come over and help me do my settee that is sitting in my garage?

    I think we would be friends in real life...we have so much in common and you're playing ray lamontange...I love him! We have seen him play a few times.
