Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Getting my Tiaras in a row...

Yes I will admit I have full blown
Royal Wedding fever...
What's not to be excited about???
A wedding....beautiful flowers..
a show stopping wedding gown
Oh and let's not forget that
this young lady is about
to become a
Isn't that every little girls dream!

At this point however I have
accepted the fact that my invitation
must have gotten lost in the mail
so therefore I am preparing to
watch it from the comfort of my own couch,
instead of my usual seat next to the Queen Mum
at Westminster Abbey...
I will be rising bright and early at 4am to start
watching the coverage....no tivo for this one!
This must be watched live!
My tea and scones will be served by
my handsome butler.....
after that he can go back to sleep! 
(does anyone want to take a guess on the likelyhood of
sweet husband actually getting up to serve me tea and scones...
something about a very hot place and it freezing over..right!)


Of course I can't wait to see the dress!
As for my own...it will probably be a nightgown...
maybe i'll throw on a big hat for good measure..


After they say I do...i'll put my tiara on! 
Because...well....why the heck not

I'm thinking it would be fun to make the
 rest of the day all about weddings...
so after the wedding is over
I may head on over to the market and buy
some beautiful white flowers, a nice dinner,
a yummy white bakery cake and a bottle of champagne
Then come home set the table with my wedding china
and have a lovely dinner with my family and then
pop in our wedding video..I think it would
give the kids a good laugh! 
See the little ring bearer in this picture....
he brought his girlfriend to our house for Easter! 
YIKES....where did 13 years go?
Yes this is our wedding photos....yes this is sweet husband....
and yes this was the longest train I could find...could I have
found a longer one I would have bought it! 
As it was we picked the church according
 to how long the aisle was and if the train would fit down it.
I'm making that up...well sort of...

I just love love love a good wedding....don't you!
They always make me cry! 
Throw in a Princess and all the Pomp and Circumstance
and I am completely over the moon!

Let the Countdown BEGIN!!!!!!!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Easter Totes

This week I am in full
Easter gear.....
There is lots to do before Sunday!!

Yesterday started off very early
painting picture frames...LOTS
(yes Ann yours was one of them...finally)

I found this frame while at a yard sale this weekend...
painted white and hung on the front door
it makes a cute message board

After that I spent the rest of the day
working on totes for all the kids
to hunt eggs with....

Last year we had sand pails

This year I found these cute tote bags
at the dollar store...can you believe that...
the dollar store!
But I just couldn't leave them plain...
so I took fabric and cut out
bunnies, butterflies, turtles and fish.
Added a ribbon and the child's initial
And this is what they look like after...

Butterflies and bunnies for the little ladies...


Fish and turtles for the little gentlemen...

 Now i'm off to make tissue paper pom-poms....
so i'd better get hopping!!!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Forever Furniture

Do you have a piece of furniture
or maybe even a few
that you will never ever no matter
what part with?

Well I found a piece of forever furniture
and I will never ever no matter what
part with it!

Here is a sneak peak

Before I show you the rest of it
I want to take you completely around
the living room so you can see how it fits in

I'll start here...
the is the hallway that leads to the kids bedrooms...
opps you can see part of my shirt in the mirror! 
I really try not to do that...but sometimes I slip

This is moving around towards the fireplace

This glass bookcase is very close to being painted white...
maybe i'll get to it after Easter!

And here it is.....all 7 feet high and 72 inches length of it!
It's humongous!

Doesn't it look like it came out of Anthropologie...
Can you believe I found it at Goodwill
Who in their right mind would give this away??

I love love love it!
Even the keys that it came with
make me giddy...
they are so ornate and heavy. 
I almost cried when sweet husband
handed them to me after he went and
bought the cabinet for me....he really
is a good guy!

Continuing our 360 degree views...
This is heading towards the kitchen and dining area

Who knew you could pack this much furniture into such a
small space!  But that's it I don't think I could squeeze not
one more thing in here....well maybe if I try really hard!

Thanks for taking a tour with me..I know it was picture overload.
Trust me I would have liked to show you
every drawer and door that's on the cabinet...
it's just so beautiful! 
 But I'll spare you all of that!
What forever piece of furniture do you own?

P.S.....because I completely forgot to tell you
and some of you asked...
Cooper is a Maltipoo...they are a wonderful breed of dogs.
Hypoallergenic and they do not shed. 
Plus they are really smart
and have great personalities!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Puppy Love

Our house has been completely turned
upside down! 

All at the paws
of something that weighs less
than 3 pounds.

May I introduce you to

Cooper Jack Davis

This is Cooper and I
He really doesn't like to sit still....it's very hard to take his picture

He is always on the go!

Thanks for stopping by and meeting the newest addition to our family!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

My embarassing thrifting story of the week...

For all those times when I'm in the
right spot at the right time
and find the perfect item...
well this week was the complete opposite
It wasn't my finest thrifting week ever....
even the monthly antique show stunk!
Needless to say my mood has reflected
this bad thrifting streak

I knew it was going downhill when....
and I can't believe i'm going to share this
story...but here it goes

I was shopping in my favorite thrift store
and they were putting out on the floor
this absolutely gorgeous beyond my
imagination white grandfather clock...

 I go on over to check it out...
It's perfect....really beautiful
and a VERY VERY good price.

So I go and find the nice guy who works
there and tell him I totally want this clock...
so he writes me up a slip and we talk
about the clock and how awesome it is...
and then it hits me...

ONLY BE $29.99????

Yep you know where this is headed...

All of a sudden this wave of heat and nausea
overcomes me....
 I think I read the price wrong!

So I casually walk over there...
OH NO.....it's
$299.99 not $29.99

Now this is where I would
like to be able to tell you that I told
him that I had read the price wrong and
we had a good laugh over it....
But instead I chickened out
and told him I just didn't think it
would fit where I was planning on putting it...

Which truly wasn't a lie because if I had
told sweet husband that I bought a 300 dollar clock
from the thrift store you can guarantee it wouldn't
fit in the box I would be living in once he showed me the door!

Moral of this story....if it sounds to good to
be true...it probably is!
And I really need to get glasses...HA HA

So instead of bringing home a lovely new clock...
this sweet little Gardenia tree is the highlight of
my thrifting adventures this weekend!

Maybe next week I'll have better luck!