Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Getting my Tiaras in a row...

Yes I will admit I have full blown
Royal Wedding fever...
What's not to be excited about???
A wedding....beautiful flowers..
a show stopping wedding gown
Oh and let's not forget that
this young lady is about
to become a
Isn't that every little girls dream!

At this point however I have
accepted the fact that my invitation
must have gotten lost in the mail
so therefore I am preparing to
watch it from the comfort of my own couch,
instead of my usual seat next to the Queen Mum
at Westminster Abbey...
I will be rising bright and early at 4am to start
watching the coverage....no tivo for this one!
This must be watched live!
My tea and scones will be served by
my handsome butler.....
after that he can go back to sleep! 
(does anyone want to take a guess on the likelyhood of
sweet husband actually getting up to serve me tea and scones...
something about a very hot place and it freezing over..right!)


Of course I can't wait to see the dress!
As for my own...it will probably be a nightgown...
maybe i'll throw on a big hat for good measure..


After they say I do...i'll put my tiara on! 
Because...well....why the heck not

I'm thinking it would be fun to make the
 rest of the day all about weddings...
so after the wedding is over
I may head on over to the market and buy
some beautiful white flowers, a nice dinner,
a yummy white bakery cake and a bottle of champagne
Then come home set the table with my wedding china
and have a lovely dinner with my family and then
pop in our wedding video..I think it would
give the kids a good laugh! 
See the little ring bearer in this picture....
he brought his girlfriend to our house for Easter! 
YIKES....where did 13 years go?
Yes this is our wedding photos....yes this is sweet husband....
and yes this was the longest train I could find...could I have
found a longer one I would have bought it! 
As it was we picked the church according
 to how long the aisle was and if the train would fit down it.
I'm making that up...well sort of...

I just love love love a good wedding....don't you!
They always make me cry! 
Throw in a Princess and all the Pomp and Circumstance
and I am completely over the moon!

Let the Countdown BEGIN!!!!!!!


  1. You are too funny. Are you really getting up at 4am??? Impressive.
    Beautiful wedding pics! I was all about the long train too!
    And this music - I walked down the aisle to Pachelbel Canon and also had it on a CD in my babies' nurseries...it makes me so nostalgic!

  2. I also have royal wedding fever! I can not wait! Your gown was gorgeous, and I love me a long train tooooo!
    Were your brides maids dresses black? Mine were! And in 1988 , that was a little scandelous in our little town! ( :
    Have a pretty day!

  3. Memories, such sweet and loving memories. You are as beautiful today as when you walked down the aisle. Thanks for sharing.
