Saturday, July 30, 2011

Inspirations and Favorites~Music

Summer is quickly coming to a close
and that will back to school
 (a dirty word in our house at the moment)
and of course after that will follow holidays
which bring out the festivities in all of us...

so until then...
I thought it would be fun
to share things that inspire me
and/or my favorite things.
Hopefully you will all leave comments with what
inspires you or your favorite we can
all share and learn from each other
For instance this picture is from one of
my favorite moments of this summer...
 it was taken at my favorite place in all the world.
But more about that on a later post...
today we are talking about music!


Nothing sets the mood quite like the music...

One type of music that makes me the happiest is the
steel drums...maybe it's because it represents
relaxation...and of course the beach.
If you've ever been to my house
you know you will be sick of Jimmy Buffett
music by the time you leave!
Actually I never realized how some sort of music is
always playing in our house till a good friend
was over one day and I didn't have it on...
and she asked where the music was.
How funny...
I never realized how music was always playing until then!

Normally, I have playing what my husband
likes to refer to as...."Silence of the Lambs" music
(yes he gets a big kick out of his humour)

I absolutely ADORE
Yo-Yo Ma...
and Bach...
and Beethoven...
and well you get the idea!
I actually think I make better dinners
when I cook while listening to this...okay well maybe not..
but the atmosphere is really cool...

My list of favorite artist and albums is very long...
I love just about everything...from the 20's till now..
so I won't bore you with that list.

However...I did want to share with you
some of the new albums that have
caught my attention this summer.
You would have almost had to have been living
under a rock to have missed Adele...
My son says he will have to leave
if he hears Rolling In The Deep
one more time...guess I play it too
much and probably way to loud
for his taste...

This is a very interesting album...
a little bit country...a little bit jazzy..
and a little rock and roll
worth a listen to.
I love the song "Bound for Glory"...
makes me want to catch a train
and I don't even know why but
head for Memphis????

This is a another really cool new album...
while they are playing Cello..and I
understand that may not be your thing..
they are doing it while performing some
of your favorite hit songs...very interesting..
and I kinda like it...haven't played it
for sweet husband yet...I can ONLY
imagine what he will say about them
playing Nirvana...cause in his eyes
you just don't mess with that...
and I probably couldn't even repeat
his words on here.
But I like it!

If you do nothing else
(except listen to Adele and Ray LaMontagne)
you have to hear this album....
It's called Barton Hollow
and it's by The Civil Wars
A very beautiful album

"Music takes us out of the actual
and whispers to us dim secrets
that startle our wonder as to who we are,
and for what, whence, and whereto"
~Ralph Waldo Emerson's not all about the design and the decor...
Music sets a mood, a memory, a meal,
a moment in time....

I hope you always have a song playing in your
home and in your heart!

So tell me what song speaks to you?

Linking up


  1. We love Van Morrison, Buffet, Marley for sitting on the deck on a warm summer night. We mix it up around kids are getting older and like to bust a move around the kitchen while we start funny! We always have music on. I have a "Classics At the Movies" cd in the car.....classics from Jaws, Star Wars, etc. that the kids like. There's nothing like music to change up a mood.

  2. I couldn't agree with you more! I love listening to all kinds of music and I share a song on my blog every week because I love music so much. I would be thrilled if you could stop by my blog and link up this post to my Pinning and Singing on the Weekend linky party!

    Best wishes,

  3. "Music takes us out of the actualand whispers to us dim secretsthat startle our wonder as to who we are,and for what, whence, and whereto"~Ralph Waldo Emerson

    That gave me goose bumps! I think you know we are big music lovers over here at 65th ave. Does it feel weird to you if you go to someones house for a visit and they don't have music playing, just tv or quiet? I do.

    Me and the little one were getting down to some bob marley the other day when I remembered I had a poster of him hanging in my kitchen when I was 20. Too funny! Times have changed but the music is still good.

    I will be checking out some of your new music.
