Sunday, August 14, 2011

Inspirations and Favorites~Places

Do you have that one place...
a place that speaks to you...
a place you feel most at home...
where you are who you are meant to be?

It might be a room in your home...
a place far far away from your everyday life...
or it may just be a special memory kept safe within your heart.

For me, besides being anywhere my family is...
my favorite place in the whole wide world is
Savannah, Georgia

There is no other place as beautiful to me as Savannah...

I could wonder around and look at the houses forever...
imagining what life would be like to live within those beautiful
walls...all the history and the
stories they could tell if only they could...

The squares and the parks....

And don't even get me started on the marsh...
while I love the ocean....if you gave me all the money in the
world I would still choose to live next to the marsh...
The spanish moss and the oak trees call to me...

When my sister and I where younger we lived
in Savannah for a little while...
and when our parents would take us to school 
we had to cross over the marsh in the mornings...
and there is nothing as beautiful as the sun coming up over the marsh

This picture represents my favorite moment of summer...
while there was lots of great memories from this summer,
this is my favorite....

I was sitting on a bench
listening to the church bells ring and the wind
was blowing ever so gentle...making the moss flutter in the
wind...and it was a moment of total peace...

When the moment passed I took a picture...

You can't help but just love the architecture

The church doors...where the bells I heard came from...

Alright, I guess it's time to tell you my Lady & Son's story...
I've wanted to eat here I was super excited when
we had the chance...and it was wonderful! 
So I was eating my fried chicken and
we were all talking and I mentioned that while
I loved a certain someones chicken (not talking about Paula)
but someone just didn't have enough spice for me...
but that I would never tell this certain person that...
because I wouldn't want to be banned from
their table for life...
Well our lovely waiter...overhearing me says
"you know I can hear you"
not knowing where he is going with this I say..Okay??
Then he goes into this rant about how they
use a certain amount of spice and if I don't like it....

I immediately turn 10 shades of red and tell him I
was not talking about Paula...
He tells me that he is just looking out for his Momma...
because she protects him and he is gonna protect her!

Now honestly I would NEVER EVER diss my Paula...
she is worshipped around our imagine my
distress at being misunderstood.

 I really don't think he ever believed me
when I said I wasn't talking about Paula, but
you really have to admire the fact that she must be so good
and kind to her employees and family that they stick up for her..
no matter what!

And really I should have followed my momma's advice...

If you don't have anything nice to say...
don't say anything at all!!!

If you ever get the chance to spend even a minute
in will never regret it...
there is no other spot on this earth so
beautiful and time stood still...
you can almost hear the past whisper to you


  1. You and my oldest daughter share the love of Savannah. It is a great city and I did love it too. We walked everywhere. It was blazing hot but we did have a good time. We just got back from Savannah on the 2nd. If interested, check out my post.

  2. Your pictures are so lovely.....that is one place I would really love to visit!! The architecture looks so beautiful.
    I cannot believe that waiter spoke up - that was so incredibly rude of him!! As if no one else is entitled to an opinion - even if you WERE talking about Paula - which you weren't! Shame on him for listening to your conversation! Funny story though!
