Saturday, April 28, 2012

Hydrangea Happiness

Did you do something today that made you happy?
Well I certainly hope so!!!

 My daughter and I stayed inside and watched movies together..
and then when sweet husband came home from work
we all went out to find a thrift store that I find on
this really cool website my girlfriend Ann found....

you just enter your zip code and state and it gives you
thrift stores in your area!
Now I consider myself to be up on all the local thrift stores...
however...there was a new one I passed every day and I
had no idea it was there!

So we went on the hunt!
And I found this really cute silver trophy bowl...
for only $3.00!

After that we went grocery shopping
now normally that's a big chore..
but I needed a few things from Whole Foods...
their fresh flower area!
So I treated myself to these beautiful
Vintage Blue Hydrangeas...
and wouldn't you know they fit perfectly in
the new silver bowl!

It's made me completely
heart skipping a beat happy...
not sure if it's because I had a great day with my 
family, or I found a great find, maybe it's the beautiful flowers,
or the fact that just looking at them reminds me of
my good friend Ann who started this whole adventure
because she took a moment out of her day to
think of me and sent the website to me....
and I in turn ended up buying her favorite flower
purely by accident and it fit into the bowl I found
because of her.....

I guess what i'm trying to say here is....
when you do something or say something
you may never fully grasp the
effect you may have on someone....
good or bad....
but if your words are kind...
....your intentions true....
and you do it with love in your heart...
odds are good that you
will make someone else
         heart skipping a beat happy!        

I truly hope you did something today that made you happy
and that you only had kind words for those around you!
While it might not always be easy...don't we really owe it
to those around us...and especially to ourselves!

Thanks Ann for thinking of me today...
it made a difference in my day!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

I was going to resale this....WAS being the word!

Well I was able to sneak another
piece of furniture by sweet husband...
he just shook his head
like... here she goes again

Two weekends ago I ran by a church garage sale
and saw this beauty...and I walked away!
Because do I really need another dresser?

However I just couldn't stop thinking
about this poor dresser
being all alone and not having a home.
It was in really rough I thought...well
maybe I can clean it up, paint it and resale it....
find it a good home where it will be loved!
I mean was only $ no big risk right!? found a home alright...
in my living room!
And i'm not even going to paint it...
I cleaned it, waxed it and polished it up...
and I love it!

Can you believe I was thinking of painting it?
So glad I didn't!!
I just need to find replacement handles..
but even without them I love this piece!

Oh....and i've put the shelves back in the dining area
and stripped the paint off the top of the table

I bet sweet husband cringes every evening
when he goes to open the front door...
he probably never knows
what he will find!

Hope you all are having a great week...

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Butterflies and Birds...Oak Tree Centerpiece

I know Easter has come and gone...
but I wanted to show you what
I did with the centerpiece
for our Easter Brunch.
It's not Easter could use
it for Mother's Day,
Birthday's, Showers

I apologize that the pictures are
not that's hard to take
pictures on our back porch...

Sweet husband removed a large branch
from one of the oak trees
 (it was hanging over the roof and had to be removed oaks were harmed in the making of this)

He then tied it with a zip tie to the existing hook
hanging from the ceiling....underneath is a
large sheet of florist Styrofoam that the base
of the branch is pushed into.

Then I just went wild...
hanging butterflies, birds and nest everywhere

At the base I covered the Styrofoam with green
and grey try and resemble the base of
a woodland forest...
Then I added the glittered mushrooms the kids
had made...and more butterflies!

Mushroom and bird the process!
It was sooooo messy!

But I think it was worth it..

I don't think the pictures do it justice...
it was much prettier and bigger in person

It was a low cost....Big Impact centerpiece
Honestly the biggest cost was the butterflies..
I was able to get them 1/2 off so I probably
only spent $15 on them.
And I will have them again for next year!

You could do lots of things with this concept...
Take your branch and you could
hang....lanterns, lights, fruit, tags with
quotes or words on them, or flowers.
It would be cute for a dinner party to hang
trivia questions or conversation starters.
as long as you are consistent with the colors,
and style of whatever you are using it
will turn out cute as opposed to tacky!

Alright...i'm off to clean and polish a
dresser that I picked up this morning
because it had no home and begged
for me to give it one...
well at least that's what I heard it say

Friday, April 6, 2012

Shutter Benches and Checkerboard Patio do you remember awhile back
when I told you all that sweet husband
had come across alot of green shutters?

And I promised to show you what he did with them...
well it took awhile but here it is

He built beautiful benches for the garden with all the shutters

 And then he was sweet enough to build me a
 checkerboard paver and grass patio for them to sit on!

I made pretty white ruffled pillows to go on the benches

 Excuse the overgrown grass...we are waiting as long as we can
for it to fill in before we cut it tomorrow...
just in time for Easter egg hunting!!!

We are so happy with the way it turned out...
I have to admit that I wanted to
spray the benches white..imagine that!
But he said we should leave them the lovely
vintage green that they were. 
And lordy no one tell him this...but he was
absolutely right..they are perfect green!

Here is a look at something else we've
been working on...

an old fountain turned into a tiny
succulent garden

If I don't talk to you all before Sunday...
I hope everyone has a blessed Easter!!!
And that you are surrounded with
the love of your friends and family!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Easter Pails and Bunny Noses

Well the Easter pails
are finally finished!

This year I used the pails as
an excuse to buy the
Cricut Machine...
Now doesn't that sound
logical to you...
$1.00 sand pails  +  a $300 Cricut machine =
Very expensive plastic buckets!

Sweet husband bought the logic
and that's all that matters...

Yellow for the gentlemen...

And pink for the little ladies...

And then because the Cricut was on a roll....

Pink Bunny Noses

I found the jars at Michael's Craft Store...
bought baby pink jelly beans from a candy wholesale company...
used the handy dandy Cricut to make labels

And there you have baby bunny noses in a jar...

Now if you will excuse me
I need to go make a few dozen butterflies...

You know that Cricut machine
needs to earn it's keep!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Fairy Ring

What is a Fairy Ring????
Well growing up we always
knew the answer to that...
anytime my Sister and I would
spot a ring of mushrooms our
Mother would tell us that Fairies
had visited us in the middle of the night!

And each mushroom was a seat for one
fairy...and they would laugh and dance
with each other all night long...until the
morning came and then all that was left
was the mushrooms!

Wikipedia defines a Fairy Ring as this...

A fairy ring, also known as fairy circle, elf circle, elf ring [1] or pixie ring, is a naturally occurring ring or arc of mushrooms. The rings may grow to over 10 metres (33 ft) in diameter, and they become stable over time as the fungus grows and seeks food underground. They are found mainly in forested areas, but also appear in grasslands or rangelands. Fairy rings are detectable by sporocarps in rings or arcs, as well as by a necrotic zone (dead grass), or a ring of dark green grass.
 If these manifestations are visible a fairy fungus mycelium is likely to be present in the ring or arc underneath.
Fairy rings also occupy a prominent place in European folklore as the location of gateways into elfin kingdoms, or places where elves gather and dance. According to the folklore, a fairy ring appears when a fairy, pixie, or elf appears. It will disappear without trace in less than five days, but if an observer waits for the elf to return to the ring, he may be able to capture it. 

Well since this Easter i'm going with a Woodland Theme...
and I subscribe to the philosophy of  if you build it they will come...
I asked sweet husband if he could
make me concrete mushroom seats
for the garden and of course the children. 
He thought about it for a week..came up
with a way to do it and got straight to work

So here are sweet husband's 7 concrete mushrooms that form
our garden's Fairy Ring...

 The morning after St. Patrick's Day we woke up
to find green leprechaun glitter everywhere..
guess it's not just the fairies who get use
out of the new mushrooms...

We even have a fairy door on the Oak tree...because you know
they prefer to gather around Oak trees...

And because I just can't stand it any longer...
here is a sneak peek at the other project we've
had going on...

But you'll have to wait till next time to see the
full reveal!