Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Porch Inspiration

I am in need of serious
inspiration for this
next project!
The Back Porch....

Anytime we try to re-do it
a little it never turns out
exactly like I envisioned..
So this time I intend
to research and plan!

Here is a picture of our back porch currently...
well minus the candles hanging from the ceiling!
They had a tendency to drip on unsuspecting
dinner guest...sorry again Dad!

I would really like to paint the ceiling a blue color
I think it would really brighten up the back porch

And lighten up some of the dark furniture....
by painting a few things and changing the
color of the cushions on other things



And of course add lanterns!
I am completely obsessed with them right now~

Put back the curtains....
although I think I would like white
ones better this time

Now if only I could change the view from my
back porch to this view...i'd be all set...sigh


It's going to be a big project! 
Wish me luck!!!!


  1. We have a large wrap around porch and I am always trying to figure out what to do with all that outdoor space. Your post has planted a few ideas! :] Thank you!

  2. Oh - beautiful inspiration photos! You are so lucky to have a porch!! And the one you have looks pretty darn fabulous to me. We don't have a porch but a big deck -- still there's only so much decorating you can do in an uncovered area. Have fun with your spruce-up....I'm living vicariously through you!

  3. On the new little house our back porch is quite big and we will be using it alot. I want it to look nice and be very functional because we will be out there so much. The inside of the house will be very girly and light and white... but I won't do that on the porch~ I will do things a little less girly because that will make v happy.
    GOOD LUCK and I can't wait to see what you do on your porch, I just know it will be fabulous!
    Have a pretty day!

  4. I am sure that whatever you do, You will make a fabulous choice.
    By the way... Love your blog.
    I felt like coming home finally...
    It is a long story, but we are living in a travel trailer at the moment.
    OUr stuff is in storage.
    When I saw you living room I said...
    That is my house!
    Just too weird...
    But fabulous since I am very much craving to have a place to call home... Maybe this time we'll have a porch too.

  5. I love, love, love porches and how awesome that you have a back covered porch. So many inspiring ideas. I just came across your blog and already now that I absolutely have to come back again...I just have to see what you do to your porch :-) Have a wonderful weekend.

    Hugs and Smiles,
    Your Newest Follower,
