Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Dream Kitchen

While flipping through the
recent edition of House Beautiful
Magazine...my heart skipped a beat!
I do believe I am completely and
totally in LOVE with this kitchen!

Sorry the picture quality isn't that great
I couldn't find it anywhere on the Internet
so I had to scan it...

True Love......
from the marble counter tops to the glass door refrigerator!
Look at the french door...LOVE the hardware!
It's hard to tell from my poorly scanned picture
but there is chicken wire on the cabinet doors
Seriously, what is not to love in this kitchen? 

Dear owners of this house,
if by some miracle you read this blog....
and if I ever make it to San Francisco
I am so going to be peaking through
your windows to get a better look at your kitchen!
It's Gorgeous

picture from June 2011 House Beautiful Magazine
Designer Ken Fulk
Nice Job Ken...if I ever win the lottery i'm giving you a call~

1 comment:

  1. I'm in love with it too - I devoured that edition of House Beautiful!
