Thursday, May 26, 2011

Who Chooses Who?

How do we choose
the houses we live in?
And why do we choose
 the ones we do?

Is it the money,
the location, the space,
the curb appeal
or is it a feeling?

I believe there are
certain tangible things
that lead us, but it's
the feeling you get when
you walk into a house
and know your home
that truly makes our decision!

Which leads me to who chooses who?
Do we choose our house or does it choose us?
I knew this was our house just by reading the ad...
it said "house surrounded by big oak trees"

Sounds PERFECT! 
Sweet husband said I was cracked.
But how can a house be bad if it's
surrounded by big strong oak trees?
We haven't regreted our decision yet

Throw in some Spanish moss...and you have me!

(this is our street)
I love the lines from this makes
me think of our little house..
"And my house it's not much to talk about,
but it's filled with love that's grown in southern ground"

(okay so south florida is a bit of a southern stretch...but i'm still a Georgia girl so it counts)

someone should really trim the hedges....are you reading this sweet husband???

While we are on the subject of houses....
i've been internet house stalking this morning
Take a look

My favorite!!!!!!

I would choose any of these houses
any day!

"Every house where love abides
And friendship is a guest,
Is surely home, and home sweet home
For there the heart can rest."
~Henry Van Dyke


  1. I know excactly what you mean...When we first saw our petite cottage from the outside we fell in love with it, but it wasn't until we actually came inside that we knew for sure it was our future home. It was a strong feeling we hadn't felt with any other house we had seen. Love your street. Have a wonderful day.

    Hugs and Kisses,

  2. I am going to be honest... while the homes you showed are beautiful. i like your home the best of all . It is the coziest and sweetest.
    It's funny , we have lived in 4 houses since we have been married. And we never really chose any of them.
    The first two my husbands parents owned - the third my parents owned. And the current home we got as part of payment for work my husband did when he had his excavating company. It is a 1972 modular and we have been in this home for 17 years. We are currently building our new little home behind this home - the little house-
    and we will tear this home down and haul it away. The little house is the first home we will live in that I will actually decorate as I really want. The home we are in now i have never liked. It was a great deal and it served its purpose. Can not wait to finish the little house!
    Have a pretty day!

  3. I so know what you mean- my house in Texas was my home. I felt it the minute I saw the ad and never looked back. It was so difficult to sell it. I miss it every single day. But I brought everything that made it a home to Wisconsin with me. My family and traditions will make another house a home. But I will miss that one forever for the wonderful memories that it holds.

  4. Your street looks wonderful! So many great inspiration photos! We bought our home many years ago, and the location and price had a lot to do with it...but what it has become over the years was more about what we wanted in a home!
