Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Finding a home...Part 2

One thing I always get asked
by friends, family and even the
people I buy from...is....
Where are you going to put that?
What are you going to do with that?
And I usually answer...
ummm I have no idea!
I just buy what I love
 (if it's in my budget)
and it somehow always fits
right in somewhere....

I bought this piece knowing exactly
what I wanted to do with it and where I wanted to put it..
That was my first mistake!

Isn't it beautiful sitting so pretty on the middle of my table...
Well.....to bad it stinks to high heaven...
It smells like a campfire/burnt wood
And i'll be honest, I knew when I bought it that
it had an odor...but I thought a couple of weeks
on the back porch airing out would fix it.
So if any of you know how I can get the odor
to disappear please let me know.
Until then...I guess it will just have
to go on the back porch....boo hoo

Soni and I found these pretty corbels with just
the perfect amount of shabbiness to them.
So I hung them going into my kitchen....
Thanks to Kerri for the idea.. 

I've wanted a french bottle drying rack forever!
And i'm so excited that I found one in my budget,
it's a reproduction...but that's okay with me...
I love it!

Cute little planters...just right for silverware!

We found 3 of these wooden trays...what do
you suppose they were used for? 
They had shipping tags on them from France...
do you think they dried herbs or something on it?

I placed one on each top shelf of the bookcases in
the dining area....just to bring in the browns
and a bit of texture

I took out the over sized to big for this space
brown bookcase that I had found at Goodwill
and brought back in a piece I had stored in the
garage...I think it fits much better...
and I placed the metal letter "d" on it
that I purchased from
The Paris Market in Savannah, GA

Sweet Shadow Box....
thought it would be neat for
the kids to place their weekly
seashell finds from the beach in it...

Love the quote...

And last but not least....
Kerri and I found 2 metal letters
at Scott's Antique Market...
One for my son and one for hers...
just doesn't get any more meant to be than that..

The reason that i've shown you all of this
is not to brag or boast about what I found
on my summer adventures....
But to show you that if you buy only things
that speak to you and that
you truly love....you can always find
a special spot in your home for it....
no matter how small or how big it is!
Unless of course it stinks to high heaven...
then you need to put it outside...
Ha Ha


  1. Oh yes, I totally agree. Buy only what you absolutely love and it will always find a special place in your home. Love all your finds. Hope you can get the smell out of that pretty piece :-) Have a wonderful day.

    Hugs and Kisses,

  2. That is exactly what I have been doing ... if I dont love it I do not bring it home!
    Your finds are great!
    Have a pretty day!
