Monday, July 25, 2011

Finding a home...Part 1

All the summer "finds" have
now been unpacked
 and they have each now
found a home in the house...

Well at least their home for now...
we all know that nothing stays
in the same spot around here
for too long!

First up...
this humongous lantern that
my girlfriend Soni spotted from a mile away!
It is just the perfect lantern for this space...she and I
have been searching long and hard for this piece!

Another piece that she spotted right away and knew would be
perfect for my house...she really has a great eye

Here is a picture of it sitting on the balcony of our
hotel you can see the full view.
It makes me think of a church's so beautiful

Found these lovely little trophys at a garage sale will never believe it...
10 cents a piece!!!!!

I bought all 4 and handed her 50 cents and told
her to keep the change...I still feel so guilty for
only paying 50 cents for all of them...
they are just so awesome

Another completely incredible find my girlfriend Soni
spotted...and just like she looks amazing in the house!
A Candlelier...just right for the bathroom

Right next to the $6 dollar Goodwill curtain my
girlfriend Kerri and I found...

Driftwood, turtle shell, birds nest coral and beach bottles....
OH MY!!!!

And don't forget the's been quite the
eclectic summer can't you tell....
Check out Kerri's blog
about our adventures
at Scott's Antique Market...

It's an AWESOME place...
I highly recommend you make a trip
Of course I had my very best friend to go with...
and that made it even that much better!

And YES!!!!!!!! 
I found the Tobacco Basket that I was
searching even made it in the back
of sweet husband's truck for the 15 hour drive home...
through the rain no less!

Can I just tell you how big this basket is...
holy cow!  This is just it's temporary home
till I can find it's proper place...and what
a big place it's going to have to be!

Stay tuned for Part 2....
there are even more finds!!


  1. Wow!! You have a great eye for interesting finds! I can't believe how many great items you got. That lantern is fabulous......and I can't believe the 10 cent trophies! I'd say that was a successful shopping trip.

  2. Yay, you found a tobacco basket!! I'm so happy for you! All of your finds are gorgeous! Love the giant lantern!!
