Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Vacations, Computer Issues and Hibernation

So that pretty much sums up
what i've been doing and why
you haven't heard much from me!

But we are home now after
a whirlwind 10 days...
we traveled 15 hours to
North Carolina, had a
WONDERFUL time there, than sweet
husband drove me 4 hours to Georgia
to stay with my girlfriend while he drove
9 hours home...than 2 days later drove
9 hours back to get us...slept and drove us
9 hours home!  That's a sweet husband
to do that for me so I could visit my friend and her family!

But when we came home our internet service was down for
a week....which maybe was a good thing because
 I had LOTS and LOTS of laundry.
Not to mention the hibernation/refluffing of
the house i've been experiencing!

We found lots of treasures while away...so
the evening we came home till now i've been
placing them around the house...and changing things
up...you know just having a grand ole time restyling the house!
When I finish I promise to show you all the
treasures and their new homes...

But until then I wanted to show you
some pictures I took while away

Bonaventure Cemetery,
Savannah, Georgia

Forsyth Park,
Savannah, Georgia

The Cloister Belle,
Sea Island, Georgia

Hope you all are having a wonderful summer..
full of beautiful sunsets and wonderful moments
with friends and family!


  1. Thats a pretty amazing husband! Glad you had a wonderful trip and that your internet service is back up and running (and your laundry is all done!)

  2. You and I make those husbands crazy and they still go out of their way for us. Sounds like a great time, glad you're back. Wish you guys lived closer, I think we would be good friends.
