My Mother and Sister
were over this weekend
I mean "helping " out
with pre-Easter things
So Mom as she
was taking a well
deserved break from
all the hard work...
was flipping through
one of the magazines
and she came across
this beautiful porch swing...
She mentioned that she would love
something similar out back...
but maybe a bit bigger.
Well that got me to thinking...
I think we need a guest room
(don't ask me how I went from porch swing to guest wing)
But fast forward 24 hours and here is the
new and improved glass house...
I was able to decorate it with
items from my stock room..
AKA...cluttered, out of control,
someone may just possible be
a hoarder of a garage.
It's been killing me to use these shutters
behind a bed somewhere...
but it would be way to much
color in my house.
However it's perfect in the garden!
A sweet little Audubon bird print!
I think the planter needs a few
comfy blankets....
or more books to read
Botanical prints....perfect for a garden guest room
Now the question is...
who is brave enough
to camp outside?
I think I may give it a test try...
well that is if the oak trees
would ever stop shedding...
In defense of Mom and Sis...
they really were here to just
hang out!
The true worker of the day
was my Dad.
He was here to help
sweet husband
with a little project!
So here is a little
pre-paint job...pre-new seat covers
look at my...
I mean our new toy!
Meet Betsy...our new to us...
Golf Cart!
She just needs a little love
and she is gonna be a beauty!
Thanks Dad for helping
to fix her up!