The other day I was looking on one of my favorite blogs
and she had visited The French Flea Market in Indiana.
Well in one of the pictures that she took was this really cute wreath that I just had to copy.
So off to Michael's craft store I promptly went. They have this wreath form now that's flat, I hadn't seen it before. It may just be one of my new favorite things. Anyways, I rolled and taped up a bunch of pages out of an old book I had that was falling apart, then just started hot gluing them to the form until I achieved the look I wanted.

After that I took a piece of scrap burlap, cut it and stamped the words onto it.

Total investment~ $5.00

And it makes me incredibly happy
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!!!!
I love it! It looks great. You have inspired me!!
OMGosh, I love your wreath. Love the banner on it. Just soooo elegant. Love that gate as well.
That IS such a great looking wreath!
Amy this is such a neat wreath!! and I love the price too!!! I would love to make some of these for my lil ol booth if I get time!
Thank you so much for going and voting for my arbor on DIY Club Challenge!! I can't believe I got to the top 10- what fun!!!
Today was brewery day! I make ginger soda and bottled up almost 50 bottles of the yummy stuff!
bee blessed
i love this wreath and have one proudly hanging in my house. Thank you Amy!
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