I admit I just can't help myself, when we are away on vacation
I take lots of pictures.
But not of my family (just kidding I take pictures of them too)
I take tons of pictures of things!
Like windows, doors, stones, gates, lamps....you name it...if it has to do with architecture or decor I take a picture to remember it.
We are at the Greystone Inn on Lake Toxaway in North Carolina and this afternoon I walked around and took these pictures to share with you all.
I think I may need some window boxes like this...aren't they cool.
And OF COURSE I LOVE the windows.
Do you see the bright red door....

The front of the Inn....even the 2nd story has window boxes.

Side of the Inn, facing the lake. This is where we have afternoon tea and before dinner
appetizers. So very lovely!
But the reason I took this picture is I love the flagstone (i think that's what they are) paths, they are all over the property and they are so gorgeous.

Love this screen door....it's huge!
And it makes the most wonderful squeaky noise when it closes.
Wouldn't you just love to have these french doors in a house. Look how they open.
The hardware on the doors and windows are incredible....maybe tomorrow I'll try to get better pictures of them.
Looking down off the side porch onto the lake. I just love that path!
WAIT until you see what we found for the garden today....I literally had tears in my eyes, they are absolutely gorgeous. Can't wait to get them home and show them to you all....good thing we brought the truck!
I didn't even make it around to the other side....there is a beautiful little garden over there.

I'm hoping we go shopping again....I'm thinking this would be a cool place to pick something up for a giveaway....don't you think that's a good idea!
This place is stunning, Amy~ thanks for sharing! Happy 4th!
Not Fair!!! I want to know what you bought...Share..I can't wait till you get home...
Great reading your blog posst
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