"Beauty of style and harmony and grace and good rhythm depend on simplicity"


Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Shabby Chic Baby Shower

Do you remember my post about the beautiful cabinet I bought from my friend? 
Well, this weekend I was invited to her baby shower. 
Between all the food and fun baby shower festivities I was only able to take a few pictures of her shabby chic furniture.  I hope she will let me go back soon and take more...she has an incredible beautiful house.  Especially the babies room...it's just perfect! 
Here are just a few of the numerous items I was coveting...

Now I have to tell you the funny part of the shower and hope she doesn't get mad at me...
but it's too cute not to share. 

Jamie (who's beautiful house this is and the new mommy) comes up to me when I arrive and says...
I'm having a tea party!  How fun I tell her when are you having one?  Right now she says and I have no idea how to make tea can you do it for me?  I've never had to do it before they just pour it for me at the Ritz!

God I LOVE HER!  She is just to cute!
So in honor of Jamie here is how you make a perfect pot of tea.

Thanks for sharing your home with us Jamie. 
Baby Ava is so very blessed to have such a wonderful Mom and Dad!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You have such a wonderful collection, i really like it and specially i like the lamp collection and the 3rd photo, shabby chic is so popular in the entire world.

shabby chic furniture

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